Kategorie: Allgemein

international modern contemporary art fair Istanbul Toplumsal Sanat ve Güncel Dinamikleri İstanbul bir Laboratuvar mı- Spiky thorny Cross by Luckeneder and Kielnhofer

Toplumsal Sanat ve Güncel Dinamikleri İstanbul bir Laboratuvar mı? Hasan Bülent Kahraman 20. yüzyıldan 21. yüzyıla geçiş sadece zamansal bir sürekliliğe işaret etmiyor ve bir doğallıkla gerçekleşmiyordu. Zamanın kendi sürekliliği doğal olarak bizi 21. yüzyıla taşıyacaktı. Kaldı ki, 21. yüzyıl aynı zamanda Batı metafiziğinde çok önemli bir yeri olan “bin yıl” kavramına da açılıyordu. İnsan […]

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Contemporary Istanbul art fair ice magazine Social Art and Its Contemporary Dynamics Is Istanbul a Laboratory Guardians of Time by Manfred Kielnhofer

Contemporary Istanbul art fair ice magazine Social Art and Its Contemporary Dynamics Is Istanbul a Laboratory Guardians of Time by Manfred Kielnhofer Social Art and Its Contemporary Dynamics Is Istanbul a Laboratory? Hasan Bülent Kahraman The transition from the twentieth to twenty-first century did not only refer to a temporal continuity and it wasn’t happening […]

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ART and ANTIQUE Hofburg Vienna – Die Messe für Art Antique Kunst Antiquitäten und Design in der Hofburg Vienna sculpture sculptor Manfred Kielnhofer Galerie Kunsthandel Antik Freller.

ART & ANTIQUE Hofburg Vienna – Art, Antique, Kunst, Antiquitäten Die Messe für Kunst, Antiquitäten und Design in der Hofburg Vienna. http://artantique-hofburg.at http://antikhaus.at http://kielnhofer.com

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WIKAM Kunst und Antiquitätenmesse Wien art and antiques fair vienna gallery Kunst und Handel Guardians of Time Wächter sculptor Manfred Kielnhofer

Sensationelle Eröffnung der WIKAM Wien – Über 2.000 Kunstfreunde aus dem In- und Ausland waren von dem qualitätsvollen und interessanten Messeprogramm der 40 Kunstexperten sichtlich begeistert. Wikam Kunst und Antiquitätenmesse Wien 8-17. Nov. 2013 Galerie Kunst und Handel Graz Wien Gerhard Sommer Wächter der Zeit Manfred Kielnhofer http://www.apa-fotoservice.at/galerie/4794/bild/9_1383863888#bild http://kundtundhandel.com http://licht-christoph.at http://kielnhofer.com

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The most interesting artist for me at the Contemporary Istanbul is Austrian Artist Manfred Kielnhofer, carrying his work on his back. Contempo news sculpture art fair

„ContempoNews“ Istanbul art fair 2013 The most interesting artist for me at the Contemporary Istanbul is Austrian Artist Manfred Kielnhofer, carrying his work on his back. T-Guardian by Christoph Luckeneder and Manfred Kielnhofer http://contemporaryistanbul.com http://kundtundhandel.com http://licht-christoph.at http://kielnhofer.com

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Contemporary Istanbul art fair gallery Kunst und Handel sculptor Christoph Luckeneder Manfred Kielnhofer sculpture art arte arts

http://contemporaryistanbul.com http://kundtundhandel.com http://licht-christoph.at http://kielnhofer.com

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ART and ANTIQUE Hofburg Vienna – Art, Antique art fair, Kunst, Antiquitäten Gallery Antik Freller Sculpture guardians Wächter Manfred Kielnhofer

ART & ANTIQUE Hofburg Vienna – Art, Antique art fair, Kunst, Antiquitäten Gallery Antik Freller Sculpture 9-17.11.2013 Die Bronze Skulpturen „Wächter der Zeit von Manfred Kielnhofer “ sind am Stand vom Kunsthandel Freller im Rittersaal ausgestellt. http://artantique-hofburg.at/ http://kunsthandel-freller.at/ http://kielnhofer.com/

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ART and ANTIQUE Hofburg Vienna – Art, Antique art fair, Kunst, Antiquitäten Gallery Antik Freller Sculpture guardians wächter Manfred Kielnhofer

Die Bronze Skulpturen „Wächter der Zeit“ sind am Stand vom Kunsthandel Freller im Rittersaal ausgestellt. 9-17.11.2013 The bronze sculpture „Guardians of Time“ are on display at the stand of the art trade Freller in the Great Hall. http://artantique-hofburg.at http://kunsthandel-freller.at http://kielnhofer.com

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First day in Istanbul …. http://contemporaryistanbul.com http://kundtundhandel.com http://licht-christoph.at http://kielnhofer.com

First day in Istanbul …. http://contemporaryistanbul.com http://kundtundhandel.com http://licht-christoph.at http://kielnhofer.com

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on my way to Contemporary Istanbul art projects dialog art from austria vienna T-guardian sculpture Galerie Kunst und Handel Sculptor Manfred Kielnhofer Christoph Luckenender

… on my way to Contemporary Istanbul. http://contemporaryistanbul.com http://kundtundhandel.com http://licht-christoph.at http://kielnhofer.com

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