Autor: Manfred Kielnhofer

Public art sculpture show Venice Biennial Italy Gardians of Time by Manfred Kielnhofer Venice Biennale: What I can’t wait to see Tomorrow I am heading to the press opening day for the Venice Biennale that will run through to November 24th, and here is what I just cannot wait to see.

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occupy Documenta Kassel public art show Manfred Kielnhofer .

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T-Guardians Public sculpture show art bienniale Venice Italy by Christoph Luckeneder and Manfred Kielnhofer

The „T-Guardian“ is a sculpture which is travelling the worlds’ museums and exhibitions. Exclusively for the La Biennale Venezia the sculptors made their journey to Italy. Each day and night they show up on a different spot in Venice. This unique light project is created by Christoph Luckeneder and Manfred Kielnhofer.

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Public Venice Art Biennial T-Guardians by Christoph Luckeneder and Manfred Kielnhofer sculpture art show

First images at the T-Guardian tour Venice.

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Public Venice Art Biennial T-Guardians by Christoph Luckeneder and Manfred Kielnhofer sculpture art show

First images at the T-Guardian tour Venice 2013

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T-Guardians on Tour at Venice and Basel, Venezia Biennale de arte, Scope show Art Basel swiss – Galerie Kunst und Handel, Manfred Kielnhofer, Christoph Luckeneder sculpture arts

Das Duo “Zwei Lichtgestalten” Manfred Kielnhofer und Christoph Luckeneder werden bei der “Biennale di Venezia” und bei der Art Basel Auftritte haben. Am 2. Mai kam es in Linz zu einer spontanen Aktion in der Linzer Innenstadt. Ausgehend vom Pfarrplatz wurde das Modell des T-Guard auf dem Rad über den Hauptplatz zur Galerie Thiele in der Klosterstrasse gebracht. Der neugierigen […]

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Faceless guardians on tour biennial venice festival art arts design sculpture show by Manfred Kielnhofer sculptor artist designer photographer

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Faceless guardians on tour biennial venice festival art arts design sculpture show by Manfred Kielnhofer sculptor artist designer photographer

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Gondola guardians at public Venice Biennial project by Manfred Kielnhofer contemporary art design sculpture exhibition

Austrian artist and designer Manfred Kielnhofer has send us the following pictures of his new series of sculptures names Light Guards (also named as time guards) that incorporate polyester figures with energy saving light sources. The result is pretty spectacular and is based on German mythology… According to German Mythology, “Historians and experts in new […]

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Guardians of Time by Manfred Kielnhofer Settle in During Art Biennial Venice 2013

The „guardians of time“ are mystical sculptures who are travelling the worlds’ museums and exhibitions. Exclusively for Art Biennial Venice they made their journey to Italy. Each night they show up on a different spot in Venice. This unique light project is created by Manfred Kielnhofer. The Guardians of Time are sculptures created by Manfred Kielnhofer (Austria). […]

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