Autor: Manfred Kielnhofer

Festival of Lights Berlin Microsoft Guardians of Time timekeepers by Manfred Kielnhofer contemporary fine arts sculpture 3D form

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Festival of Lights Berlin Hotel de Rome Guardians of Time timekeepers by Manfred Kielnhofer contemporary fine arts sculpture 3D form

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Festival of Lights Berlin Guardians of Time timekeepers by Manfred Kielnhofer Humboldt University Faculty of Law contemporary fine arts sculpture 3D form

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Light up Berlin Festival of Lights Guardians of Time by Manfred Kielnhofer contemporary light art sculpture public design installation 3D form

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Festival of Lights Berlin Potzdamer Platz Large-scale sculpture Guardians of Time Manfred Kielnhofer

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Festival of Lights Berlin Potzdamer Platz Large-scale sculpture Guardians of Time Manfred Kielnhofer light art show lumina

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FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS BERLIN 2014 / guardians of time Manfred Kielnhofer light up art design sculpture show

The “Guardians of Time” tour through worldwide museums and exhibitions for many years. Since the FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS 2011, they visit the German capital on a regular basis. The time traveler of the FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS always seem mystical to their viewers. They walk like monks through the world. No one knows exactly where they […]

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festival of lights berlin best light art festival new contemporary fine art design show guardians of time manfred kili kielnhofer sculpture

Potzdamer Platz Berlin Vorbereitungen zu Festival of Lights in Berlin. Großformatige Skulpturen Wächter der Zeit von Manfred Kielnhofer. Preparations for the Festival of Lights in Berlin. Large scale Guardians of Time by Manfred Kielnhofer

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Festival of Lights Berlin „Wächter / Guardians of Time by Manfred Kielnhofer – Tourplan“ – light art festival lumina light up germany

Festival of Lights Berlin „Wächter / Guardians of Time by Manfred Kielnhofer – Tourplan“ (Stand: 06.10.2014 – Änderungen vorbehalten) Freitag 10.10. Berliner Dom, Am Lustgarten, 10178 Samstag 11.10. Humboldt-Universität Juristische Fakultät, Bebelplatz 2, 10117 Sonntag 12.10. Berliner Fernsehturm, Alexanderplatz, 10178 Montag 13.10. Brandenburger Tor, Pariser Platz, 10117 Dienstag 14.10. Hotel de Rome, Behrenstr. 37, 10117 […]

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Stilwerk Wohnherbst living autumn im Design Tower vienna – Opening the first Guardians of Time Showroom artist Manfred Kielnhofer – designkooperative duekouba

Stilwerk Wohnherbst im Design Tower Wien DIE NEUE WIENER WOHNMESSE IM STILWERK WIEN VOM 8. BIS 11. OKTOBER ZEIGT DAS STILWERK IN EINER REIHE VON SHOPÜBERGREIFENDEN WOHNTHEMEN DIE VIELZAHL DER PREMIUM-MARKEN. Opening the first „Guardians of Time Showroom“ artist Manfred Kielnhofer designkooperative duekouba

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